Core aeration is the practice of pulling cigar shaped plugs to open the soil surface for better air exchange.  It also improves nutrient intake and water movement within the soil.

This practice also helps to reduce compaction and thatch by spreading soil plugs on the surface.  Soil plugs are crumbled and fall freely into aeration holes as well as spreading some soil into the thatch layer where soil microbes can feed on thatch debris. Aeration is a practice that can be done in both spring and fall but is the very best way to begin fall seeding and fertilization.

Applications of fertilizer after aeration will move nutrients immediately into the root zone of your lawn. This practice has shown excellent results in the density and color of cool-season turf-grasses on their way to recovery from summer stresses. Spreading grass seed after aeration is also an excellent practice in lawns that have thinned considerably from summer pests home.